




선린대, 최초 교원 창업 물리치료학과 신경재활연구소와 업무협약첨부파일

  • 선린대학교는 지난 19일 교내 세미나실에서 물리치료학과 김식현 교수 교원 창업기업 ‘신경재활연구소’와 협약 체결식을 실시했다.이번 협약체결 및 협약서 전달식에는 김병용 산학협력단장, 물리치료학과 김식현 교수, 국중석 학과장이 참석했다.물리치료학과 김식현 교수의 교원창업 기업은 ‘신경재활연구소(Neuroscience-Based Functional Approach-Neurolab)’로 뇌졸중 재활 교육&m
  • 운영자 / 2023-11-01 11:15 / Hit:277

Neuroplasticity: how lost skills can be regained after injury or illness첨부파일

  • Integrating neuroplasticity into rehabilitationUnderstanding neuroplasticity and how repeated practice strengthens synaptic connections can make a major difference in the effectiveness of rehabilitation, as has been shown for strokes. Strokes&nb
  • 운영자 / 2023-10-21 11:21 / Hit:257

AI software helps stroke victims make a full recovery첨부파일

  • AI software helps stroke victims make a full recoveryUsing artificial intelligence (AI) software to diagnose strokes has helped increase the proportion of victims who make a full recovery. That’s the finding of initial analysis of data on more
  • 운영자 / 2023-10-21 11:15 / Hit:203

Motor recovery beginning 23 years after ischemic stroke첨부파일

  • 언제나 희망은 있다. 포기하지 말고 고객들의 회복을 도와 주어야 한다.It is widely believed that most stroke recovery occurs within 6 mo, with little benefit of physiotherapy or other modalities beyond 1 yr.  We report a remarkable case of stroke recovery beginning 23 yr after
  • 운영자 / 2023-10-21 11:10 / Hit:185

Why is music good for the brain?첨부파일

  • October 7, 2020 By Andrew E. Budson, MD, Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing Can music really affect your well-being, learning, cognitive function, quality of life, and even happiness? A recent survey on music and
  • 운영자 / 2023-10-21 11:03 / Hit:167

Shield your brain from decline첨부파일

  • Use the SHIELD acronym to remember the lifestyle habits that will help protect your memory and thinking skills. We are making encouraging progress in finding medications that prevent or even reverse cognitive decline. Until we get there, however, the
  • 운영자 / 2023-10-21 11:00 / Hit:174