In-person seminars
"2024 UNLOCKING POTENTIAL, REBUILDING LIVES _뇌졸중 기능재활" 강연은 접수종료 상태 입니다.
신청접수 완료 후, 취소는 신청기간내에 만 가능 합니다.2024 UNLOCKING POTENTIAL, REBUILDING LIVES _뇌졸중 기능재활
" 2024, 갑진년 신년새해, 뇌과학적 기반의 최신 물리치료 전문가를 위한 과정"
"우리 NBFA-Neurolab의 뇌과학적 기능재활 접근법으로 뇌졸중 임상 물리치료의 새로운 지평을 열어보세요". "신년을 맞아 뇌과학과 임상이 만나는 특별한 시간, Selective Trunkal Activity의 고객 중심의 선택적 접근법을 통해 새로운 치료지식을 확장해 보세요." 여러분을 위한 헌신적으로 준비한 강좌를 통해 뇌과학 지식으로 무장된 최고의 전문가가 되어 보세요"
NBFA-NEUROLAB은 뇌졸중 재활과 뇌과학 분야의 지식을 널리 공유하여 뇌졸중 환자의 더 나은 미래를 구축하는데 헌신하고자 합니다. 2024년 1차 강좌 "Unlocking Potential, Rebuilding Lives_Selective Trunkal Activity" 주제 강좌는 다음 세 가지 분야에 초점을 맞춥니다.
1. Advanced Neuroscience in stroke rehabilitation: This course provides a detailed exploration of the plasticity of the brain, offering profound insights into how it functions and reacts to the challenges of stroke.
Key Highlights:
- Discovering Neuroplasticity: Gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating concept of neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself after a stroke.
- Advanced Imaging Techniques: Explore the state-of-the-art neuroimaging technologies that enable you to observe and analyze changes in the brain at a microscopic level.
- Optimizing Rehabilitation Plans: Learn how to create personalized rehabilitation strategies based on the unique brain profile of each patient.
2. Practical Neuroimaging in Stroke and Lesion-Symptom Mapping: This course provides you with the necessary hands-on skills and knowledge to effectively use neuroimaging in the assessment and treatment of stroke patients.
Key Highlights:
- Essential Neuroimaging Techniques: Develop proficiency in various neuroimaging techniques, including MRI and CT scans, and learn how to interpret brain images effectively.
- Lesion-Symptom Mapping: Explore the fascinating world of lesion-symptom mapping, which allows you to correlate brain lesions with specific functional impairments in stroke patients.
- Clinical Application: Put your knowledge into practice by analyzing real-life stroke cases, making precise diagnoses, and tailoring rehabilitation plans based on neuroimaging data.
3. Functional Intervention and Clinical Reasoning for Patient-Centered Target Intervention: In this course, you will learn to prioritize stroke patients' individual needs and goals and create a personalized rehabilitation plan. You will also enhance your clinical reasoning skills, enabling you to make informed decisions about the most effective interventions. Additionally, you will dive into practical, real-world stroke rehabilitation cases, which will develop your ability to optimize care strategies based on each patient's unique needs.
Key Highlights:
- Patient-Centered Approach: Learn to prioritize stroke patients' individual needs and goals to create a truly personalized rehabilitation plan.
- Clinical Reasoning Mastery: Enhance your clinical reasoning skills, enabling you to make well-informed decisions regarding the most effective interventions
- Case Studies: Dive into practical, real-world stroke rehabilitation cases, developing your ability to adapt and optimize care strategies based on each patient's specific needs.
At "Unlocking Potential, Rebuilding Lives," we invite you to explore cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience and rehabilitation techniques that are transforming the lives of stroke survivors. Our expert-led courses will provide you with a deep understanding of the brain's adaptive powers, neuroimaging's practical applications, and patient-centered therapeutic interventions.
Our courses are designed to unlock the potential of both patients and neurological physical therapist, contributing to the remarkable journey of rebuilding lives after stroke. Join us for this transformative event and be part of the future of stroke rehabilitation.
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