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수강신청 후 관련 강의영상을 시청 하실 수 있습니다.NBFA_Patient-Centere
Collaboration between the rehabilitation team, the patient, and sometimes family members is crucial in setting goals. In the past two decades, healthcare policy has changed from a passive approach to a patient-centered approach, where patients actively participate in their care and rehabilitation planning. When patients are involved in identifying goals, they become more invested in their treatment and motivated to achieve their objectives. To achieve the best results in rehabilitation, it\'s essential to set meaningful and relevant goals for the patient. Different tools and strategies may be used to help patients identify, formulate, and prioritize their objectives, but it\'s vital to integrate these tools into the clinical reasoning process. The team should understand that patients have different preferences regarding their participation in goal setting. While some prefer letting the team establish the objectives, others prefer to be more involved in goal-setting.
#NBFA #Neuroscience #Stroke #Target Intervention
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